Saturday, January 4, 2020

The House Bill 2 Essay - 1377 Words

The House Bill 2 has become a huge topic these past few months with its main hot button issue being the accessibility of public bathrooms to the transgender community. For those whom are unfamiliar with the bill it was created and issued by North Carolinas governor, Pat McCrory. The bill focuses on sticking to the gender norms of public and business owned bathroom. Thus making it illegal for someone whom identifies as a different gender than they sex they are born with to enter the bathroom that they see fit. One of the points that McCrory tosses around in order to keep HB2 in a positive light is that it will help protect the women and children in the community from â€Å"predators.† Well how does this bill work when it is applied to public schools in North Carolina were children are the main concern? The answer is that it does not work at all. For now, the previous policy for public school bathrooms are going to stay the same thanks to the federal government, but when applied to schools it becomes a toxic environment for everyone who is not cis gendered. When the applied the focus no longer on learning, it flips on to when and where a person should use the bathroom. If a student does not have the ability to use the bathroom they are comfortable with then what should they do? Schools do not normally have gender neutral bathrooms unless it is in the faculty lounge or an area only accessible to non-students. Those bathrooms can be all the way across campus depending on where thatShow MoreRelatedHouse Bill 2. Introduction. In The United States, The Only1530 Words   |  7 PagesHouse Bill 2 Introduction In the United States, the only LGBT right guaranteed on the national level is same-sex marriage. North Carolina pales in comparison to other states on this front, especially when you consider the effects of House Bill 2. 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